IRFZ44N N-Channel MOSFET is a widely used MOSFET transistor designed for use in a variety of general-purpose applications. The transistor possesses high-speed switching capability which makes it ideal to use in applications where high-speed switching is a crucial requirement. The transistor is capable of driving a load of up to 49A and the max load voltage can be 55V. However, the peak pulse current can be up to 160A. The minimum threshold voltage required for this transistor to make it in fully open state is 2V to 4V. This transistor can also be used as an audio amplifier or in audio amplifier stages; it is capable of delivering a maximum audio output of 94W.
Some common applications of the IRFZ44N MOSFET include motor control, power conversion, power switching, DC-DC converters, and Class-D audio amplifiers. Due to its high current handling capability and low resistance, the IRFZ44N MOSFET is well suited for use in high-power applications where fast switching speeds and low power loss are required.
- Small signal N-Channel MOSFET
- Continuous Drain Current (ID) is 49A at 25°C
- Pulsed Drain Current (ID-peak) is 160A
- The minimum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 2V
- Maximum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 4V
- Gate-source voltage (VGS) is ±20V (max)
- Maximum Drain-Source Voltage (VDS) is 55V
- Rise time and fall time are about 60ns and 45ns respectively.
- It is commonly used with Arduino, due to its low threshold current.
- Available in To-220 package
Package Include:
1 x IRFZ44N N-Channel MOSFET
The IRFZ44N is an N-Channel MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) that is commonly used in electronic circuits and projects. Here are some common uses of the IRFZ44N MOSFET:
- Switching Applications: The IRFZ44N can be used as a high-power switch in various electronic circuits. It can control the flow of current through a load (such as a motor, lamp, or solenoid) by acting as a switch. When properly driven, the MOSFET can handle high currents and voltages efficiently.
- Motor Control: The IRFZ44N MOSFET is suitable for controlling DC motors in robotics, automation, and other projects. By using the MOSFET as a switch, it can handle the high current and voltage requirements of the motor, enabling precise control over its speed and direction.
- LED Lighting: The IRFZ44N can be used to control high-power LEDs in lighting applications. By switching the MOSFET on and off, it regulates the current flow through the LEDs, allowing for dimming or controlling multiple LED arrays.
- Power Supplies: The IRFZ44N can be used in power supply circuits as a switch or as a part of a voltage regulation mechanism. It can handle high currents and provide efficient switching to convert and control the power flow in the circuit.
- Audio Amplifiers: The IRFZ44N can be utilized in audio amplifier circuits as a switch for high-power audio signals. It can control the current flow through the speaker or load, enabling the amplification and control of audio signals with higher power output.
- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): The IRFZ44N can be employed in PWM circuits where the MOSFET is rapidly switched on and off to control the average power delivered to a load. This technique is used in applications such as motor speed control, LED dimming, and power regulation.
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